
Align with the greatest vision of who you can become, and bring it into being!

  Enroll in Course

Every new year is a new beginning!

A chance to do things differently, to release what doesn’t serve you, to decide and clearly visualise what you want, and to start fresh, filled with amazing energy.

But we all know how quickly the hope and excitement of the new turns back into the familiar routines and the same-old same-old, and all the New Year's resolutions get shelved until next year.

What if I told you that there is a better way to change your life?

A way that doesn't require tons of discipline and willpower, and instead relies on your natural connection with the part of you that knows what is truly best for you.

A way that engages the magic of the Universe and our power as conscious co-creators.

Making use of ritual, creativity and your own personal spiritual dream team!

Now is the most potent time to get aligned with your deepest dreams, and to invite them into your life and welcome them with open arms.


How you begin this cycle will set the tone until 2025.

There is so much you can do to consciously create your most beautiful year yet!


4 Modules to help you create your best year yet!


Acknowledge and release all that has an emotional hold on you. Learn how to do a DIY energy healing, releasing dense energy and energetic blockages from your system. At the end of module 1, your energy will be clear and ready for the new!


Gather your 'spiritual dream team' around you. Once called, they are always there to help and support you. Sit down with them, get all your questions answered, and find out who you truly are at your core.


Now that the slate is clean and your dream team is gathered, let's start to envision what is to come. We are talking clarity, details, joy, and the conscious creation of your reality. Receive a powerful vision, and develop the practical steps necessary to get you there. Plus, engage some strong magic to make it all flow that much smoother!


Turn your new clarity into a beautiful visual artwork expressing the core of your being (no computer or photo editing skills needed, I walk you step-by-step through how it's done. All with free software). Create a reminder you will look at daily of where you are heading, and embody the woman you are here to become!

Your Adventure Guide

Jutta Dobler
Jutta Dobler

After living a professional double-life for many years, Jutta finally realized that she can combine her creative self with her 20 years of experience as a healer and coach.

The Phoenix Project School is the result of this revelation - Online Adventures that are fun do to and that help solopreneurs find clarity on their calling and build their passion-based businesses in a way that actually makes money.

Since becoming a mom 14 years ago, Jutta build up a successful yoga studio and a thriving coaching and healing practice. Two years ago, she moved to the other side of the world, and her business is now completely location independent.

All she needs to work with her clients is internet access, and she love what she does so much!

She also loves her daughter, her dog, nature, beauty, animals, traveling, Asaf Avidan, yoga, furry creatures, books, creating cool courses, and lots of silence.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a community?
Yes, we are having a private Facebook group to make new friends, get feedback and support, and share your conscious creation wins and be celebrated!
How long do I have access to the course?
You have lifetime access to the course, so whenever you want to consciously bring something new into your life, you can go through the modules again to make it happen.
How does this work?
The first module of the course is available on sign-up. Every week after that, a new module gets released. In this way, you have time to work with the theme of the module and integrate any changes that happened before moving on to the next step.
Will I have access to you?
I will be present in the Facebook group, and you can email us if there are any technical glitches. If you bought the VIP version of the course, you will get 4 one-on-one coaching or healing sessions with me to take your best-year-ever-creation to the next level!.
What if I realise this is not for me after all?
You have a 30-day money back guarantee. I would never want you to be unhappy with anything you bought from me! But because this stuff only works if you use it, we ask that you send in the completed workbook before being refunded.
How much time does it take to do the course
You will need about 2 hours every week to do the soul searching, rituals, ceremonies and meditations needed to find total clarity. The artwork will also take about 2 - 3 hours to do. Of course you can spend much more time on it if you want to!

Get started now!